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by Julian
19 Apr 2024, 09:56
Forum: PROFINET Implementation
Topic: Specification for BlockQualifier FactoryReset
Replies: 2
Views: 4521

Re: Specification for BlockQualifier FactoryReset

Look at "BlockQualifier with other options" - it applies as no dedicated BlockQualifier coding is given for your requested DCP option Thank you very much! Summary: The BlockQualifier of a FactoryReset request shall be ignored by the receiver. The scope of data to be reset with FactoryRese...
by Julian
08 Apr 2024, 16:02
Forum: PROFINET Implementation
Topic: Specification for BlockQualifier FactoryReset
Replies: 2
Views: 4521

Specification for BlockQualifier FactoryReset

The PN protocol specification (2.4MU4) defines the BlockQualifier field for almost all DCP Suboptions ( But I am missing a definition for the Suboption FactoryReset. Shall the value be ignored by the PN device? In contrast, the BlockQualifier for ResetToFactory is used to select the rese...