Does PROFINET have a similar mechanism to SystemCommand?

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Joined: 03 Jan 2024, 22:29

Does PROFINET have a similar mechanism to SystemCommand?


In IO-Link there is a standardized way to send "commands" the a field device to perform one time actions within the device. For example, resetting of a counter. It is done with the SystemCommand index. The IODD file is often used to graphically show these commands as "buttons" which the user can push to execute the command.

Does PROFINET have a similar mechanism to SystemCommand? If nothing is standardized, is there a common way that vendors have implemented this type of feature in the past?
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Re: Does PROFINET have a similar mechanism to SystemCommand?


Robbie_B wrote: 05 Apr 2024, 23:15 Does PROFINET have a similar mechanism to SystemCommand?
Yes and No. Since there are differing 'categories' of IO-Link SystemCommands, some have an equivalent in PROFINET and some do not.

For example the IO-Link factory settings is a DCP ResetToFactory service in PROFINET.
The big difference is that SystemCommands are declared in the IODD file (resulting in a Button in Tools), but no similar mechanism exists in GSDML. In PROFINET it is up to the Tools to present the 'buttons', and since some are standardized services, the Tools can do that without description file.

In case of vendor specific or optional SystemCommands, IO-Link has the advantage via the IODD description. In PROFINET that would require dedicated Tools that have knowledge about specific devices.
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