GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"

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GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"


Hello, colleagues of the PROFINET forum. Yet once again I ask for your help so I can better understand one corner of the specification. We are updating our SDK and as I was adding the security functionalities to our sample application, I am kind of stunned to read from the "GSDML-Spec_2352_V245_Jun24.pdf" document, in clause "8.27.5 CIM_Supported features", that:

_____"NOTICE: The attribute DCP_FeaturesSupported (o, TokenList, v2.43) is
_____removed with v2.44. It is expected that no one has used this attribute before"

However, however, in the "same" delivery we have "GSDML-V2.45-Example-CC-A-SecurityClass1-20240326.xml". This GSDML describes DCP_FeaturesSupported attribute and passes the syntax check with GSD Checker version 2.45.
So, which is correct, the specification or the sample GSD/GSD checker?
Or maybe they are both corrects and my understanding is incorrect? In which case I will be most grateful to be disabused of my ignorance by grace of the more learned members of this great forum.
The screenshot below illustrates my question.
20250108_GSDML_SpecIssueCompr.png (213.07 KiB) Viewed 6997 times
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Re: GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"


AlfredoAtSherpa wrote: 08 Jan 2025, 04:22 in clause "8.27.5 CIM_Supported features", that:

_____"NOTICE: The attribute DCP_FeaturesSupported (o, TokenList, v2.43) is
_____removed with v2.44. It is expected that no one has used this attribute before"

However, however, in the "same" delivery we have "GSDML-V2.45-Example-CC-A-SecurityClass1-20240326.xml". This GSDML describes DCP_FeaturesSupported attribute and passes the syntax check with GSD Checker version 2.45.
Your quote refers to the CIM interface (which is something different than the InterfaceSubmodulItem).

As far as i can see, the mentioned example GSDML file does not state to support CIM.
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Re: GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"


benja_m wrote: 08 Jan 2025, 08:18
Your quote refers to the CIM interface (which is something different than the InterfaceSubmodulItem).

As far as i can see, the mentioned example GSDML file does not state to support CIM.
Hello benja_m.
I now realize my mistake. Thanks you very much. The reference is for DCP_FeaturesSupported, not for SNMP_FeaturesSupported.
Thanks for the quick response.
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Re: GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"


benja_m wrote: 08 Jan 2025, 08:18 Your quote refers to the CIM interface (which is something different than the InterfaceSubmodulItem).
As far as i can see, the mentioned example GSDML file does not state to support CIM.
benja_m and other colleagues, hello again.
The reason I got confused and prompted me to do the original post, is that I added SNMP_FeaturesSupported attribute to the GSDML file in our SDK delivery that we are currently developing, but then I registered this GSDML file in TIA V19 upd 3 and the SNMP_FeaturesSupported parameter is not displayed. Of course, I checked with the GSD Checker that the GSDML file has not syntax errors, and when registering in TIA V19 upd 3 no syntax problems are flagged.
The I realized that Siemens has released TIP V20, so I downloaded it and installed it, then found that in TIA V20, "the very same GSDML file!", shows up with the SNMP_FeaturesSupported parameter properly displayed.
This is a problem because PROFINET security class 1 devices should work with TIA V19 upd 3 (this is my understanding and if I am wrong, please correct me). Because of this issue I would have to tell my customers to use at least TIA V20? I no not think this is so good.
My request for advice to forum colleagues, what should I do? Is there any support contact for Siemens for this kind of problem. I do not know if Siemens will support us, because our SDK is not based in Siemens SDK. We use a different stack provider.
Will be very grateful for your words of advice. The screenshot explains my problem.
GSDML_file_TIA20_TIA19_issue_1.png (225.68 KiB) Viewed 6816 times
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Re: GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"


AlfredoAtSherpa wrote: 10 Jan 2025, 08:00 My request for advice to forum colleagues, what should I do? Is there any support contact for Siemens for this kind of problem. I do not know if Siemens will support us, because our SDK is not based in Siemens SDK. We use a different stack provider.
Will be very grateful for your words of advice. The screenshot explains my problem.
Hello. I am happy to inform that I have fixed my problem and want to share my solution with the forum in case someone encounters similar problem. In case you do, will be glad to know that this post was useful.
It turns out that apparently TIA V19 upd3 does not like very much when one adds perfectly legal line feed characters within a line of the GSDML file, even though the GSD Checker does not flag syntax errors. By removing the line feed characters I was able to get the display of the GSDML as expected.
Again, TIA v20 does not have this problem, so it seems the GSDML parser used in TIA V20 has been improved.
In the meantime, I would advice not to add line feed characters in the middle of a line.
Hope this helps.
20250116_GSDML_fix_reduced.png (229.14 KiB) Viewed 6302 times
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Re: GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"


AlfredoAtSherpa wrote: 16 Jan 2025, 09:14
AlfredoAtSherpa wrote: 10 Jan 2025, 08:00 My request for advice to forum colleagues, what should I do? Is there any support contact for Siemens for this kind of problem. I do not know if Siemens will support us, because our SDK is not based in Siemens SDK. We use a different stack provider.
Will be very grateful for your words of advice. The screenshot explains my problem.
Hello. I am happy to inform that I have fixed my problem and want to share my solution with the forum in case someone encounters similar problem. In case you do, will be glad to know that this post was useful.
It turns out that apparently TIA V19 upd3 does not like very much when one adds perfectly legal line feed characters within a line of the GSDML file, even though the GSD Checker does not flag syntax errors. By removing the line feed characters I was able to get the display of the GSDML as expected.
Again, TIA v20 does not have this problem, so it seems the GSDML parser used in TIA V20 has been improved.
In the meantime, I would advice not to add line feed characters in the middle of a line.
Hope this helps.
The GSDML Checker internally uses the TIA Portal GSD checking library for validating the provided GSDML. Can you send me please the unaltered GSDML via mail with which you had the issues?
The mail would be [email protected]
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Joined: 26 Oct 2023, 11:08

Re: GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"


j.rost wrote: 05 Feb 2025, 12:34 The GSDML Checker internally uses the TIA Portal GSD checking library for validating the provided GSDML. Can you send me please the unaltered GSDML via mail with which you had the issues?
The mail would be [email protected]
Thanks very much for your response. I have e-mailed my answer to the e-mail indicated as per your request.
Please note that I have solved my problem, as I tried to explain in an earlier post. But I guess your are interested in looking at bit deeper into the matter.
Posts: 10
Joined: 20 Sep 2023, 14:57

Re: GSDML Spec, SNMP_FeaturesSupported, "is removed???"


AlfredoAtSherpa wrote: 06 Feb 2025, 01:55
j.rost wrote: 05 Feb 2025, 12:34 The GSDML Checker internally uses the TIA Portal GSD checking library for validating the provided GSDML. Can you send me please the unaltered GSDML via mail with which you had the issues?
The mail would be [email protected]
Thanks very much for your response. I have e-mailed my answer to the e-mail indicated as per your request.
Please note that I have solved my problem, as I tried to explain in an earlier post. But I guess your are interested in looking at bit deeper into the matter.
Thank you for providing the GSDML. As discussed separately the issue is not reproducible (also confirmed by you) and it works in TIA for both mentioned versions as it should.

If there are any other questions in regards to the GSDML, please open a new topic.