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ProfiDrive telegram 1

Posted: 06 Aug 2024, 14:34
by K_Sol
I am currently working more intensively with ProfiDrive telegram 1, which is said to be standardized, and am now looking for further information on cyclic and acyclic data.
Do you have a document that describes the communication via the standard telegram 1, especially the structure of the status and control words and the handling for starting a drive?

Re: ProfiDrive telegram 1

Posted: 06 Aug 2024, 14:35
by M_PNO
K_Sol wrote: 06 Aug 2024, 14:34 I am currently working more intensively with ProfiDrive telegram 1, which is said to be standardized, and am now looking for further information on cyclic and acyclic data.
Do you have a document that describes the communication via the standard telegram 1, especially the structure of the status and control words and the handling for starting a drive?
The detailed description of the standard telegram 1 can be found in the PROFIdrive specification, available for download here: Download -
Structure of Tel. 1 on p.141, description of control and status words from p.89.